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Denis Mortagne

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Denis Mortagne completed his guitar studies at the Conservatory of Avignon while also studying composition, cello, music history, music theory, and orchestral conducting. He then completed advanced studies in composition with Janine Rueff, Jean Claude Henry, and George Hugon, and in guitar with Karel Harms, René Bartoli, and Alexandre Lagoya. He is a prize winner in the “René Bartoli” and “Carpentras” international guitar competitions, and was awarded first prize in the St. Marc International Composition Competition in 1999. In 1994, Denis founded the Orchestre de guitares de Provence and has since recorded several of his works with this ensemble, including the CD Voyage. He frequently gives solo recitals of classical, romantic, and contemporary works – including his own compositions – and is an active chamber musician in performances for two guitars and for violin and guitar. He is the guitar professor at the Carpentras Music School, and the Director of the Pays Voconces Music School in the south of France. Denis Mortagne’s compositions and arrangements invite listeners into a unique musical landscape and have been enthusiastically received by audiences throughout the world. His compositions and arrangements are played worldwide.
